Community Discussions

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LCN Meet & Greet: The Seaweed Commons

June 8, 2022 | 1:30PM ET

Join kelp harvesters from Seaweed Commons for the second LCN Meet & Greet to learn more about changing seaweed economies and their role in the marine environment. We will discuss existing and emergent seaweed markets, case studies on seaweed biodiversity and disease, and projects underway to promote a more sustainable seaweed sector. This webinar invites the broader marine community of LCN into the conversation around localized, ecological seaweed systems and how we can be in collaboration with other seafood producers.


Seafood Accelerator and Innovation Lab (SAIL) Summer Webinar Series 2024

Join us in this summer series featuring sessions by instructors from our Seafood Accelerator & Innovation Lab (SAIL) Catalyst program. Each session is designed to help seafood harvesters overcome barriers to direct marketing. All LCN members are welcome to attend, and Q&A time will be available to all of those that are currently engaged in or exploring the possibility of direct marketing their catch.

Access to Capital | Noah Strouse | Aug 20, 11:00 – 12:30 PST

Contracts and Partnerships | Vanessa Norman | Aug 29 | 11:00 – 12:30 PST

Labor and Employment | Rachel Armstrong | Sept 12, 11:00 – 12:30 PST


Live “Info Session” for SAIL Catalyst  March 2024

Join us to discuss the forthcoming Seafood Accelerator & Innovation Lab (SAIL) Catalyst program. We will be answering questions regarding the application and structure of SAIL Catalyst (formerly Scale Your Local Catch) open now with a deadline of April 17th. We look forward to seeing you at 1:30 pm ET, March 26th. 


Climate Winner Species presented by Eating with the Ecosystem


Join us for an illuminating webinar featuring Nicky Roberts and Kate Masury, from the New England-based non-profit, Eating with the Ecosystem. Discover how the study identifies businesses akin to Local Catch Network members that have effectively adapted to species shifts by integrating climate winner species into their models. Be part of the conversation as Eating with the Ecosystem unveils the ‘Roadmap for Climate-Resilient Seafood Supply Chains,’ a project designed to equip seafood businesses with the tools to thrive in an ever-changing ocean landscape. While rooted in New England, this webinar transcends regional boundaries, inviting all Local Catch Network members to contribute to the discussion on policy changes, market conditions, infrastructure investments, and more. Join us Tuesday, January 23rd from 1-2pm EST, and help shape a resilient future for seafood supply chains!


Live “Info Session” for SAIL Programs January 2024

Join us to discuss the forthcoming Seafood Accelerator & Innovation Lab (SAIL) programs. We will be answering questions regarding the application and structure of SAIL Mentorship, open now with a deadline of January 31st, and SAIL Catalyst (formerly Scale Your Local Catch) which will have an application window of February 15th – April 15th. We look forward to seeing you at 2 pm ET, January 10th. 



‘Meet and Greet’ with Shareen Davis  May 2023

When it comes to the Local Catch Network, we know that our core values can show up in many different fishing community non-profit and business models. One of those models is a cooperative business. At last year’s Local Catch Seafood summit we heard from many of our network members that there is a strong interest to learn more about fish co-ops. In this webinar you will get to hear about the Chatham Harvesters Co-op, how they formed, what challenges they face, and the benefits that come from a fisher-centered, cooperative seafood business. 



‘Meet and Greet’ with Buck Jones  April 2023

Sustaining a Community-supported fishery is no easy feat, but the LCN has some brilliant minds who’ve managed to figure a way to make it work, through government funding, specifically the USDA. There’s often a stark separation between NOAA’s and USDA’s work, but with each year, there is more overlap, and every year we hear of more success stories of CSFs being awarded massively beneficial grants through the USDA. To strengthen the LCN as a whole, sharing a variety of methods of supporting the costs of running a fishery is a must. In this webinar we’ll get to hear about the process from discovering the various USDA grant programs, applying for them, and the success and failures of various attempts.



American Seafood Harvesters Marketing Practices Survey

March 2023

The United of Maine, with funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and NOAA Fisheries, is conducting the first-ever national assessment of seafood marketing practices in the United States. The American Seafood Harvesters Marketing Practices Survey aims to bring attention to the important role that seafood harvesters play in the nation’s food systems and, eventually, inform future investments in the sector. Join the Local Catch Network for a webinar about the survey on March 29, 2023 at 12 PM ET.   


Listening Session for the Draft National Seafood Strategy 

March 2023

The Local Catch Network is hosting a Listening Session on March 6, 2023 at 4 PM ET for NOAA Fisheries to hear feedback from small-scale and community-based fishing entities on its draft National Seafood Strategy.  



Value Added Producer Grants 101 for Seafood Harvesters

DecembeR 2022

The Value-Added Producer Grant (VAPG) program helps producers enter value-added activities to generate new products, create and expand marketing opportunities, and increase producer income. The Local Catch Network and USDA hosted a webinar to share information about entities that are eligible to apply for funding, value-added products can be created using grant funding, and more. 



Scale Your Local Catch Information Session

September 2022 

Scale Your Local Catch (SYLC) is a nation-wide, producer-centered business accelerator developed to strengthen local and regional seafood systems in the United States by addressing challenges associated with direct marketing and by building the knowledge, skills, and networks needed for direct marketing seafood businesses to scale up their operations and increase their capacity and viability for long-term resilience.

During this information session we provide an overview of SYLC including the structure, content, eligibility criteria, and commitment requirements of the program with a Q&A to follow.

Visit the Scale Your Local Catch webpage to learn more about the program.

Tell Your Story During Find Your Seafood Week

August 2022 

Find Your Seafood Week (#FYSW) is a social media campaign that aims to amplify community-based fisheries, seafood harvesters, fishermen, and local and regional seafood systems.

During this webinar Emily De Sousa, sustainable seafood educator and content creator, provided an overview of the purpose of #FYSW and ways to engage during the campaign and beyond. Emily also shared tips on how to tell the story of your seafood business and provide tools that will help you reach new and existing community members.


‘Meet & Greet’ with the Seaweed Commons

June 2022 

Kelp harvesters from Seaweed Commons joined us for the second LCN Meet & Greet to speak about changing seaweed economies and their role in the marine environment. Learn more about existing and emergent seaweed markets, case studies on seaweed biodiversity and disease, and projects underway to promote a more sustainable seaweed sector.

Through the Erasmus+ project 2019-FR-01-KA204-062955 “Deck to Dish: Community-Supported Fisheries advanced training”.


LCN Office Hours: USDA Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Program Q&A + Grant Writing Strategies

April 2022

LCN was joined by USDA Grants Management Specialist, Jeremy Dondlinger, and the owner and lead consultant of Stewards Unlimited, Stephen Ussery.

The first 30 minutes of the session is a FMLFPP Q&A with USDA Grants Management Specialist, Jeremy Dondlinger. The remainder of the session Stephen Ussery joined us for the remainder of the session for a lively discussion about strategies that you can employ to strengthen your current and future grant proposals, including purposeful storytelling and aligning your project narrative with intended grant objectives.


National Sea Grant Strategic Plan Listening Session

April 2022

The Local Catch Network partnered with the National Sea Grant Office to co-host a dedicated listening session to provide input on the National Sea Grant College Program’s strategic plan (2024 – 2027).

There is no recording for this session. 


LCN Office Hours: USDA Architectural Services for Facility Design

April 2022 

The office hour held on April 15th featured the USDA Wholesale Market and Facility Design team. The design team provided an overview of their services including, technical assistance and support to stakeholders regarding the construction of new structures or the remodeling of existing ones. These facilities include indoor and outdoor wholesale markets, farmers markets, public markets, incubator kitchens, and food hubs, all of which are important parts of the national food distribution network.


USDA LAMP Grant Forum for the Seafood Sector

April 2022 

The USDA LAMP Grant Forum provided opportunities for past grantees and prospective applicants to connect, and share learned experiences to better understand, develop and implement successful Farmers Market Promotion Program, Local Food Promotion Program, and Regional Food Systems Partnerships program projects. The Forum offered support to current and prospective grantees by facilitating knowledge sharing and network building between and amongst attendees, panelists, and USDA Grants Management Specialists.

LCN Meet & Greet: Seafood to Institution

March 2022

Hear from stakeholders actively involved in shifting institutional food purchasing toward local and regional producers, as well as, seafood businesses who’ve successfully partnered with institutions. Gain an greater understanding of how institutions are thinking about food purchasing, learn about successes and challenges related to of moving seafood into institutions and opportunities to build relationships with folks involved with seafood-to-institutional efforts.
Through the Erasmus+ project 2019-FR-01-KA204-062955 “Deck to Dish: Community-Supported Fisheries advanced training”.

Value Added Producer Grants for Seafood Businesses

December 2021

The ‘Value Added Producer Grants for Seafood Businesses’ webinar provides additional information about the USDA VAPG program. During the information session we review eligibility criteria, define value-added products, discuss eligible uses of grant funds, and address questions about the program. 


Scale Your Local Catch Information Session

October 2021

Scale Your Local Catch (SYLC) is a nation-wide, producer-centered business accelerator developed to strengthen local and regional seafood systems by addressing challenges associated with direct marketing and by building the knowledge, skills, and networks needed for direct marketing seafood businesses to scale up their operations and increase their capacity and viability for long-term resilience.

During this information session we provide an overview of SYLC including the structure, content, eligibility criteria, and commitment requirements of the program. 


Applying for USDA Grants Workshop

April 2021

Learn how to frame FMPP and LFPP grant proposals to strengthen your narrative and meet program objectives.

Grants 101 – Seeking, Analyzing, and Writing Basics

March 2021

Learn how to search for grants, analyze requests for proposals (RFPs), and approach grant writing.

Through the Erasmus+ project 2019-FR-01-KA204-062955 “Deck to Dish: Community-Supported Fisheries advanced training”.


Understanding USDA Funding & Resources

January 2021

Learn about USDA funding and resources that support seafood businesses engaged in local and direct seafood marketing

Resources for the Fishing Industry During COVID-19

April 2020

Listen to government officials and other technical assistance providers as they highlight resources for the seafood industry during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Through the Erasmus+ project 2019-FR-01-KA204-062955 “Deck to Dish: Community-Supported Fisheries advanced training”.

Local Catch Network Open Forum

March 2020

Listen to fishermen, community organizers, and other interested parties across North America.

Building Accountability in Seafood

January 2019

What is the legal framework in the US that defines seafood fraud and how do we enforce these laws? Turns out it’s a complex system involving multiple agencies with different standards, resources, and priorities. This webinar focuses on current systems for combating fraud, some of the inherent challenges, and what we can do to address some of those challenges.

Good, Clean, Fair Seafood Supply Chains

October 2018

Join the discussion on the domestic seafood system’s transformation toward a more localized, transparent, trustworthy connection between fish harvesters and consumers via open, honest dialogue about current challenges and collaboration on how to address them.

Building a future of resilient, community-based seafood systems

November 2020

We discussed innovation, entrepreneurship, and resilience happening in local seafood systems and small-scale fisheries during the first 9 months of COVID-19.

Role of the Consumer: Building relationships for better seafood supply chains

September 2019

Is it inherently passive, or should consumers take a more active role in knowing where their seafood comes from? How do fish harvesters, chefs, distributors, institutions and others in the supply chain engage consumers in the conversation about why they should know their fisherman, or at least their fishmonger/chef/etc., and the backstory of their seafood? Learn how can fishermen get to know their customers better and build relationships with them.

Boat to Chef: Building relationships for better seafood supply chains

March 2019

Supporting Local Catch and Slow Fish seafood supply chain values, in the face of increasing fraud and co-optation, is not a simple task. In previous webinars we’ve discussed a ‘community accountability’ concept as one under-explored solution area to combat fraud and its root causes. Technology and innovation have the potential to combat fraud and support ‘community accountability’. However, some new technologies are controversial, such as onboard monitoring which, untethered to any suite of values, may unintentionally benefit those with the largest ecological footprint and displace those with the smallest. Other supply chain technologies, such as QR codes and real-time vessel tracking, are quickly growing while opportunities and challenges are still coming to light.

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